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   University of New South Wales Regiment Association
    The UNSWR Association

 Welcome to the website of the University of New South Wales Regiment Association.

The website has been designed to provide timely information for members, to assist former members of UNSWR in becoming members of the Association and to provide all visitors to the website with items felt likely to be interest.

If you would like to become a member of the UNSWR Association, please go to the Membership page of this website to find a nomination form. All serving and former members of the Regiment are eligible to join so why not do so to enjoy the benefits of keeping contact with those with whom you served and to be informed about Regimental affairs.

Normal membership is for life for a once only fee of $40.00. For this small amount, you will receive periodic newsletters to keep you up to date on Association and Regimental other activities that may be attractive to you.

In 1970, several past members of the University of New South Wales Regiment proposed to the Commanding Officer that an UNSWR Association be formed and be open to all former members of the unit.

The Commanding Officer supported the proposal, following which a number of objects were formalised. Today, our Constitution contains the following objects:

  • To promote social and intellectual interaction between past and serving members of the Regiment;
  • To promote and assist in achieving the welfare and military efficiency of the Regiment and its serving members;
  • To encourage a spirit of loyalty to Australia and to encourage and assist members of the Association and those eligible for membership of the Association to take an active part in matters of national importance, particularly matters of defence;
  • To assist in safeguarding and preserving all items of historic interest to the Regiment.
  • To perpetuate and foster the traditions of the Regiment;
  • To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objects;
  • To affiliate and/or co-operate with kindred organisations within and without Australia;
  • To be and remain non-racial, non-party political and non-sectarian;
  • To do all such other lawful acts and things as may promote the objects of the Association
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© University of NSW Regiment Association, c/- Bruce Green, Lachlan Macquarie Chambers, 16 George St, PARRAMATTA NSW 2150, AUSTRALIA, Telephone: +61 (0)407 065 781, Email: